Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers for Private health insurance
Treatment Centers by Name |
Treatment Centers by City in New York
- 820 RIVER ST., INC. Altamont House Inpatient Rehab Servs
- 820 River Street Inc Eleanor Young Clinic
- 820 River Street Inc Chemical Dependency Halfway House
- 820 River Street Inc Alcoholism Supportive Living Facility
- Action for a Better Community CD Outpatient Clinic
- Albany Citizens Council on Alc and Other Chem Dep/Youth and Family Prog
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Division of SA Yeshiva Univ Melrose
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Division of Substance Abuse
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Division of Substance Abuse/Hub 1
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Division of Substance Abuse/Hub II
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Division of Substance Abuse/Hub III
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Division of Substance Abuse/Soundview
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Division of Substance Abuse/Trailer 1
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Division of Substance Abuse/Trailer 2
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Div of Sub Abuse/Van Etten Clinic
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine DOSA Next Steps Chem Dep Svcs North
- Alc and Drug Council of Tompkins Cnty Outpatient Clinic
- Alcohol and Drug Dependency Services Crisis Center
- Alcohol and Drug Dependency Services Mens Community Residence
- Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Council Schenectady County Inc/Outpatient
- Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Council Schenectady County Inc/Purcell House
- Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Council Schenectady Cnty Inc/Outpt Rehab Servs
- Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Council Schenectady County Inc
- Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Council Schenectady County Inc
- Angelo J Melillo Center for MH Inc Chemical Dependency Services
- Argus Community Inc Harbor House MICA Treatment Program
- Arms Acres Inc Chemical Dependency Outpatient Clinic
- Arms Acres Inc Alcoholism Outpatient Clinic
- Arms Acres Inc Outpatient Clinic
- ARTC Brooklyn Clinic 11 Fort Greene
- ARTC Brooklyn Clinic 13 Bushwick
- ARTC Fort Greene Medically Supervised Ambulatory DF Prg
- ARTC Manhattan Highbridge
- ARTC Manhattan Medically Supervised Outpatient Prog
- ARTC Manhattan Clinic 22 Kaleidoscope
- ARTC Manhattan Clinic 23 Third Horizon
- Association for Retarded Children Alcoholism Outpatient Clinic
- Aurora Concept Inc Drug Abuse Outpatient Clinic
- Aurora Concept Inc Medically Supervised Outpatient Prog
- Aurora Concept Inc Residential Program
- Bayley Seton Hospital Inc Alcoholism Acute Care Unit
- Bedford/Stuyvesant Alc Trt Center Outpatient Clinic
- Bedford/Stuyvesant Alc Trt Center Outpatient Rehab
- Beth Israel Medical Center Stuyvesant Square Chem Depend Trt Prog
- Bethpage Adolescent Development Association Inc (BADA)
- Bliss Poston the Second Wind Chemical Dependency Outpatient
- Bon Secours Community Hospital New Directions
- Bowery Residents Committee Inc Chemical Dependency Outpatient
- Bridge Back of the Kingston Hospital Chemical Dependency Outpatient