Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers for Mental health services
Treatment Centers by Name |
Treatment Centers by City in New York
- Women In Need Inc Casa Rita Drug Abuse Clinic
- WSNCHS East Inc/DBA South Oaks Hosp Chemical Dependence Outpatient Clinic
- WSNCHS East Inc/DBA South Oaks Hosp SWI/SWIIA Acute Care Program
- WSNCHS East Inc/DBA South Oaks Hosp SWI/SWIIA Chemical Dep Rehab Program
- Yatzkan Center/Residential Program Chemical Dependency for Youth
- Yes Community Counseling Center Outpatient Chemical Dependency
- YMCA of Greater New York Staten Island YMCA/CD Outpatient
- YMCA of Greater New York Staten Island YMCA/Counseling Service
- Yours Ours Mine Community Center Inc Outpatient Ambulatory Drug Free Unit
- Youth and Family Counseling Agency of Oyster Bay/East Norwich Inc
- YWCA of Rochester/Monroe County Steppingstone